When you put your boat on the water, you want it to remain in the same place. You don’t want your boat to sail away while your back is turned! This explains why you have to have a New Coast mooring rope. A mooring rope is a strong, durable rope that attaches your boat to a dock, buoy, or anchorage. In fact, this rope is what holds your boat in place so it doesn’t float off to destinations you don’t want to visit. حبل رباط للقوارب are super strong and very flexible, so they can stretch without breaking. But, nylon has the disadvantage of tend to absorb water, so when it becomes wet it weighs more, as well as weakening the rope somewhat if it becomes saturated for too long. Also, if nylon ropes are exposed to sunlight for an extended period, they can suffer damage and experience a drop in strength.
When considering for the ideal material for your boat’s mooring rope, take into factor to consider the climate and also conditions your boat will certainly see. Think about what you can afford to spend, too. A quality mooring rope should be strong enough to hold your boat, flexible enough to accommodate movement, and durable against sun and water. New Coast provides a comprehensive range of mooring ropes manufactured from durable materials, helping you choose the most suitable mooring rope for your application. Now even as good as a mooring rope is, it’s very important to use the right technique when you are mooring your boat. This way you reduce the risk of damage to your boat and the dock or anchor. حبل رباط من البوليستر tied too tightly is a well-known pitfall. What you described quite literally puts stress on your boat and on the dock or anchor that your boat is attached to, which can lead to all sorts of problems with time.
To prevent giving your boat a hard time, ensure that the mooring rope is slack; this means that it should be tight enough so that it can hold your boat but don’t over-tighten it as it may become a stress point. You additionally wish to utilize something referred to as a spring line. Another New Coast حبل رباط من النايلون is referred to as the spring line, which provides shock absorbance as well. What if your boat is pushed or pulled suddenly, the spring line can gently brings the movement to a halt preserving your boat from damage.
متأخر، بعد فوات الوقت، حبال رباط السفن do wear and become damaged, especially when exposed to harsh environments such as saltwater and sunlight. This is also why checking your mooring ropes from time to time may be very useful. Check for wear and tear such as frays or damage strands, loose knots or whatever else means the New Coast rope is becoming weak.
If you see anything wrong with your mooring rope, the beauty of it is, you just replace it. If the mooring rope is weak or damaged, you face your boat drifting away or damaging your own boat and the surrounding coastline. We at New Coast recommend replacing your mooring rope 2-3 years depending on how much wear and tear it has experienced.
حبال إرساء الساحل الجديدة للقوارب هي شركة تصنيع حبال من الألياف الكيميائية ذات السمعة الطيبة تدمج تطوير الأبحاث والمبيعات والخدمة الفنية للإنتاج. تشمل المنتجات الأساسية PP Mono وPP Multi والنايلون (بولي أميد) والبوليستر وUHMWPE وما إلى ذلك، ويتراوح قطرها من 4 مم إلى 160 مم.
حبل الساحل الجديد يتميز بقوة متانة قوية، واستطالة منخفضة، وحبال إرساء مضادة للتآكل للقوارب، ومؤشرات الأداء تتوافق مع المعايير الوطنية ذات الصلة وكذلك المعايير الدولية. تستخدم هذه الحبال حاليًا على نطاق واسع الهندسة البحرية والنقل البحري، بالإضافة إلى معدات خاصة لجيش الدفاع الوطني وسحب الموانئ وهندسة الحفاظ على المياه.
توفر شركة New Coast Rope حبال إرساء للقوارب لأكثر من 10,000 عميل حول العالم وتصدر أكثر من 50 دولة. نحن حريصون على البقاء على اتصال معك. نحن متاحون لك عندما تحتاج إلى معلومات استفسار.
يتكون هيكل المنتجات من ثلاثة خيوط من الحبال، وحبال إرساء للقوارب، وحبل من 12 حبلًا، وخط مرساة مزدوج مضفر. حبل المرافق، مضفر مجوف، مضفر قوي، شبكات حبال الخيمة، حبال المعركة. مختلف الأقطار والأطوال والألوان وتغليف الملحقات المعدنية والشعارات والتغليف كلها منتجات معتمدة.