When you have picked up a fish rope, probably you do not consider that you will use it the next time you go fishing. But the kind of fishing rope you have will determine how well you are going to succeed doing that. Selecting the proper type of rope for your particular fishing needs is extremely important. We take our guide as our basis in discussing the merits of using marine rope in fishing, the range of fishing ropes and cords available for use by you, how to make a choice of the best New Coast Corda Danline marina based on the size of fish you plan on catching, the importance of quality with fishing rope, how to tie knots and the art of splicing your fishing rope. Let's grab our fishing pole and get started.
As we mentioned earlier, choosing the right fishing rope depends on the size of fish you want to catch. Decide how heavy a fish can be and if there would be something in the water to hit it with, hence determining how big a rope you would need. So for example, if you are fishing in rocks then you will need a really tough rope that will stand the rocks scratching at it.
Without a shadow of a doubt, when it comes to fishing rope, quality is critical. Badly made New Coast Corda marina in nylon easily tear and fray, which can cause you to lose your fish and can even be dangerous to you. That’s why it so important to get a rope from a reputable manufacturer. A quality company will thoroughly test their ropes to ensure their strength, longevity and they can withstand the harsh marine environment.
Knots and splices: Knowledge of fishing knots and splices is top of the list. Many types of knots and splices are designed for a given situation, and basic knowledge of all of these will help a fisherman greatly. The clinched knot, palomar knot, and the double surgeon's knot are some that would be used for fishing purposes. They are easy to tie and hold your line fast.
Splices are special connections that you only use to make loops or to connect two lines back together. Examples of splices used in fishing are the eye splice and the end-to-end splice. Proper instructions should always be followed whether tying knots or making splices. It's also good practice to tie them up before you head to your fishing trip. This New Coast Corda marina in poliestere will give you more confidence when you will be out in the water.
New Coast Rope fornisce corde da pesca marine a oltre 10,000 clienti in tutto il mondo ed esporta in più 50 paesi. Siamo ansiosi di rimanere in contatto con te. Siamo a tua disposizione ogni volta che richiedi informazioni o richieste.
Produciamo prodotti della gamma di corde marine per la pesca, inclusi 3 fili, otto fili, 12 fili, doppia treccia, linee di ancoraggio. Linea di utilità, corda intrecciata cava, corda per paracadute, corda per tenda intrecciata solida, corda da battaglia, rete. Diverse lunghezze, diametri, colori, accessori realizzati in imballaggi metallici, loghi, tutti hanno ottenuto la certificazione di prodotto
Il produttore di corde in fibra chimica marina per la corda da pesca New Coast Rope comprende la produzione di ricerca e sviluppo, la produzione di vendita e l'assistenza tecnica. Principalmente producono PP Mono PP Multi. Inoltre, nylon (poliammide), poliestere, UHMWPE, ecc. diametri da 4 mm a 160 mm.
La New Coast Rope possiede qualità di corda da pesca, resistenza marina e basso allungamento, antiusura e anticorrosione. Inoltre, gli indicatori di prestazione sono conformi agli standard nazionali applicabili e agli standard internazionali. Le corde oggi sono ampiamente utilizzate nei settori dell'ingegneria navale, della difesa del trasporto marittimo, della nazione, dell'esercito, dell'ingegneria della tutela dell'acqua per il rimorchio portuale.